Last night - I am not sure whether it was due to curiosity or I was simply woozy from lack of sleep - I set myself up on Twitter.
I am proud to say that I have never set up an account on either MySpace or Facebook - there aren't very many people whose lives I want to know that level of detail about, and I suspect they feel the same towards me. These sorts of social networking sites bother me - it seems as if all anyone cares about is having the most 'friends', letting us know the precise moment their kid became potty-trained, or re-connecting with that boy who they ate paste with in Kindergarten. (Currently, I think we collectively have 18 people waiting for us to respond, but we are too lazy/irritated/apathetic to do so...)
However, if President Obama and Shaq can tweet, so can I - we are all that brand of cool. Or so I thought at 11:30 PM, Wednesday night.
Once I got to my new Twitter account page, it was very unsettling to see such a clean slate. Obviously, when I set this blog up, it, too, had no content and no one to read it (and the number of people who read it now probably can still be counted on one hand).
But the premise of Twitter - as opposed to this sort of static blog - is that it is very dynamic and time-sensitive. So if I want to let people know exactly what I think of the proposed National Health Plan - or, more likely, what I had for dinner - I have to go and ask people to sign up to read my tweets.
Which basically is akin to me asking them to be my Facebook friend, so I think I just answered my own question if I am ever going to actually tweet.
(I admit I did not think through how the process works to determine who exactly received my pearls of wisdom, but I did not anticipate my having to exert any real effort...)
I think I'll use the time I saved by not using Twitter and do something less-involved - that World of Warcraft thing seems to be getting a lot of press lately.